Thursday, January 31, 2013

November 1998 Tutor/Mentor Conference Map

Using MapAList I've been able to upload data from an Excel spreadsheet to show participation in the November 1998 Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. You can interact with the map, click on icons to see what organizations were participating, and from this information get a sense of how effective the Tutor/Mentor Connection was in bringing people from different parts of the Chicago region together for this event. In the next few week's I'll post a few more maps from 1997-2002 and from 2007-2012 showing changes in participation due to decrease in financial support for Tutor/Mentor Connection over the past 12 years. You can also find these maps on the Conference Map page of the Tutor/Mentor Conference web site. The goal is to attract sponsors, partners and investors so we can rebuild participation to the level of the late 1990s, then expand it to reach even more people. If you'd like to do map analysis using this data, please contact me. There's lots of questions to ask, such as why are so few people from business, philanthropy, universities, faith groups, etc. involved?

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